الخميس، 29 مارس 2012

Using Photoshop, Photographer Creates Mind-Boggling Buildings

Using Photoshop, Spanish photographer Victor Enrich has manipulated his own images of buildings to create surreal structures that border on the whimsical.

Stripping buildings of science and logic, Enrich makes towers unzip, roads go upward, even a “fries” building and other mind-boggling distortions.

Yet, the parallel universe that Enrich has created appears somewhat plausible.

According to Enrich, he tries to inject “realism” into his work, by editing existing, real-world building blocks.

Enrich spends up to a month digitally editing each shot.

“Most architects respect the law ‘form follows function’ … my ‘buildings’ definitely don’t have an architectonic function … but they DO have other functions,” writes Enrich.

One wonders what that might be, perhaps a cultural commentary laced with Enrich’s own sense of humor?

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